Belspirits, Belgian know-how ... once!
Made of 100% Belgian barley. As pure as the land it came from. Non peated, non coloured, non-chill filtered and unaged. Raised from barley sustainably grown on a unique terroir. Crafted in pot stills under the watchful eye of our Master Distiller, to hatch a whisky as rich as the Hesbaye land.
This unaged distillate brings one right to the heart of the grain. Faint scents of malt, baked bread and shortbread will blow your mind. When this New-Make Spirit further opens up, you discover fruity, fresh hints of ripe pears, greengages and cider which then melt away into an echo of freshly mown grass.
The initial sensation in the mouth is sweet, characterised by the beautiful oily nature of the distillate. Bit by bit, fruity notes from the orchard rise to the top.
"Exceptionally pleasing with just the right degree of gristy sweetness: 92/100" Jim Murray, Whisky Bible 2020.